En Camino: Haitians and the journey through Central America and Mexico
This week the Franciscan Network on Migration’s monthly Facebook Live broadcast, En Camino, or "On the way," featured staff of the Haitian Bridge Alliance and the Quixote Center discussed the situation of Haitians crossing through Central America and Mexico. You can watch below.
"Toto" Constant is not just Haiti’s problem
On June 23, the United States’ Immigration and Customs Enforcement deported Emmanuel “Toto” Constant to Haiti. Constant was arrested as he arrived in Port-au-Prince, based on a 2000 conviction for the massacre of political opponents at Raboteau, Haiti. In 1994, at the time of the massacre, Constant was head of a paramilitary organization called the Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti (FRAPH), which is known to have engaged in widespread human rights violations, including murder, rape, and torture. When U.S.
Update: While flights continue, Wilson introduces bill to halt deportations to Haiti
Food Insecurity and Emergency Fund for Gros Morne

Deportations and #FreeThemALL: Another week of action

Around the world, leaders are closing borders, restricting travel and movement, mandating social distancing, and employing various restrictions on when, how and which business can be open. This includes the United States.