Upcoming Events

Stop Illegal Arms to Haiti Advocacy Days
September 25-26, 2024

See a full list of co-organizers

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Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 2024

October 26-28, 2024
Washington Hilton

The Quixote Center will be participating in this year's Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice. 
For more information, click


Past Events

Stop Illegal Arms to Haiti Webinar
Click to access a recording of the webinar. 

July 30th, 2024, 5pm
A coalition of dozens of NGOs and faith based communities are raising their voices to say "the illegal flow of weapons into the hands of Haitian gangs MUST STOP."  Join us as we talk to UN and Congressional leadership about ending this travesty. 

Featuring: US Congresswoman Sheila Chirfilus-McCormick and UN Expert on Human Rights in Haiti WIlliam O'Neill.  

Restorative Collaboration in Haiti

Date: Wednesday May 1, 2024
Time: 6pm ET

Join Mercy Focus on Haiti Executive Director, Betty Jean-Jeremie, for a conversation on advocacy work in Haiti with special guest speaker Dr. Kim Lamberty, Executive Director of the Quixote Center.  

Kim has been developing and managing faith-based community service programs on topics of justice, peace for more than 24 years. She has accompanied vulnerable communities and human rights workers in Palestine, Colombia, and the US-Mexico border through her work with Christian Peacemaker Teams from 2004-2008. She managed church-based Haiti programming and directed work with US universities for Catholic Relief Services from 2010 to 2019. She is also founder and president of Just Haiti, a Fairtrade coffee company that focuses on economic justice for vulnerable small-scale farmers.  Kim specializes in addressing root causes of poverty, violence, and environmental degradation, especially relating to economic justice and Haiti, and has published numerous articles on the topic.  

Special Appearance: Angela McParland, Justice Resource Manager for the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. 

Panel Discussion with NHAEON
January 27, 2024 11am
Fairmont Hotel- 2401 M Street, NW

National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON) 15th Annual Leadership Summit will take place  Wednesday January 24- Sunday January 28, 2024. Quixote Center's Kim Lamberty will be a panelist on Saturday January 27, 2024, 11am.  Panel Title: "Advocacy/Haitian Criminal Collusion Transparency Act: Lessons Learned & How to Move Forward with Advocacy Efforts."


December 9th- 6 pm
Holiday Dinner Forum with Peaceworks
Friends Meeting in Chatham or by Zoom

The PeaceWorks community will host a very special holiday dinner forum with global coffee expert and Director of the Quixote Center Kim Lamberty.

Kim will help us zoom out from the tiny community of 50 families that grow our holiday coffee on a mountaintop in Nicaragua to the realities of the global coffee trade, also discussing the challenges of small farmers like those PeaceWorks supports more broadly and the work of the Quixote Center. 


Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

Haiti Dinner & Discussion of Quixote Center's Impact in Haiti 

Time: 6-8:30PM

Where: Port-Au-Prince Haitian Cuisine : 7912 Georgia Ave Silver Spring, MD 20910

The Quixote Center invites you to attend an evening of Haitian food and drink at the Port-au-Prince Restaurant in Silver Spring, MD.
To reserve your spot, you can make a suggested donation of $50/person , which includes a buffet-style Haitian dinner. For any questions, please contact .

Our Executive Director Kim Lamberty will speak on the latest impact of our sustainable initiatives in Haiti. Find out more about our newest partnership in Haiti's South with DCCH to survey a community on what they believe they need to alleviate themselves from poverty, and to create a project to increase income generation based on their answers. We will present the survey results, and there will be time for questions and discussion.

ANC Commissioner Claudette David will present on the importance of Congressional advocacy and the Quixote Center's partnership with the National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON), for which she serves as Co-Chair of the National Legislative Committee.


Saturday November 4th, 2023

Harvest Sharing Fair at the University Park Church of the Brethren 

Time: 9:30 to 3:00

Location: 4413 Tuckerman St

Shop for Good Causes with the following organizations:

  • Little Friends for Peace
  • Heifer Project
  • New Community Project 
  • Anacostia Watershed Society
  • Ethiopian Eritrean Special Needs Community SALVE-IFIC
  • Local Artists
  • Ten Thousand Villages

Free Kids Activities, Gourmet Grill & Bake Sale