
Daily Dispatch 9/19/18

A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.

September 19, 2018

Déjà vu:

1,500 kids – AGAIN!  Out of the 11,254 unaccompanied migrant children that HHS has placed with sponsors in 2018, investigators reveal that HHS “could not determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,488.” Similarly, HHS lost track of 1,457 of kids it placed in 2017.

Daily Dispatch 9/18/18

A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.

September 18, 2018

Making America White Again:

Miller Trumps Pompeo: Drastic to refugee program – lowering cap from 110,000 to 50,000 to 45,000 and now to 30,000 – a priority of Miller’s Make America White Again agenda, despite pushback from Pompeo and the Pentagon.

“Constitution and Citizenship Day" in the Dystopia of 2018

Happy “Constitution and Citizenship Day”!

Over the past 606 days, Trump and his appointees have waged a relentless campaign of on refugees and immigrants of every stripe and status. In the process, the administration has violated international human rights laws, basic norms of human decency, and the Constitution – the very document that the President has sworn an oath to defend.

Daily Dispatch 9/17/18


A series in which we (aspire to) offer a sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.


September 17, 2018

Daily Dispatch 9/16/18 - Comedy Edition


A series in which we (aspire to) offer a sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.

Special Weekend Comedy Edition
September 16, 2018

Because the "headlines on immigration, race, and related stories" that we cover are almost invariably bad news, we thought our loyal readers could use a bit of comic relief.

Daily Dispatch 9/14/18


A series in which we (aspire to) offer a sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.


September 14, 2018


Daily Dispatch 9/13/18


A series in which we (aspire to) offer a sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.


September 13, 2018

Visit from Aunt Flo:

Daily Dispatch 9/12/18


A series in which we (will aspire to) offer a sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.


September 12, 2018


Top Stories:

Daily Dispatch 9/11/18


A series in which we (will aspire to) offer a sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.


September 11, 2018


The Stakes:

“Desperate, hopeless, and alone”: Immigration attorney client’s experience in testimony against Brett Kavanaugh.

