Daily Dispatch 10/19/18
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
October 19, 2018
Top Stories:
Daily Dispatch 10/18/18
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
October 18, 2018
Kidz Inc.
Arizona-based for-profit, VisionQuest National LTD, received funds from HHS to house UACs in Philadelphia, but officials in this “sanctuary city” won’t allow kids to be incarcerated on their watch.
Daily Dispatch 10/17/18
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
October 17, 2018
Top Story
Daily Dispatch 10/16/18
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
October 16, 2018
Democratic Process:
55 days left to post your comments on the proposed “public charge” rule that doctors say pose public health threats.
Daily Dispatch 10/15/18
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
October 15, 2018
Democratic Process:
56 days left to post your comments on the proposed “public charge” rule that doctors say pose public health threats.
Daily Dispatch 10/12/18
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
October 12, 2018
Top Story:
The gruesome story of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder and dismemberment inside a diplomatic facility will not impact lucrative U.S.-Saudi arms deals because the reporter was an immigrant with permanent residence and not a US citizen.
Daily Dispatch 10/10/18
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
October 10, 2018
“Zero tolerance” is costing the government so much money that they’ve even started diverting funds from Trump’s border wall to pay for it.
NICA Act 2.0: It’s back and even worse than before
The Nicaragua Investment Conditionality Act has been floating around congress since 2015. The main idea behind the bill is to direct the U.S. Executive Branch to use its voting power in multilateral lending institutions to block any new loans for Nicaragua until a set of reforms regarding elections and transparency is implemented.
Daily Dispatch 10/9/18
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
October 9, 2018
Nikki Haley resigns position as UN Ambassador. Reason behind the decision yet unknown.
Daily Dispatch 10/8/18
Dear Loyal Readers,
You’ve surely been wondering about the radio silence not emanating from the Quixote Center over the past couple of weeks.
Well, don’t worry.
We weren’t raptured, we were just switching web hosts.
Our site was down for a bit, but we’re back up and running now – so… time to get back to business.
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
October 8, 2018
The Courts:
Daily Dispatch 9/20/18
A sampling of today’s headlines on immigration, race, and related stories.
September 20, 2018
Evacuation and transfer of ICE detainees in Florence’s path amplify dehumanizing treatment.