Nancy Sulfridge has been a member of the board of directors of the Quixote Center since 2012 and was a supporter of the Center for many years before joining the board. She brings a generalist’s approach to the center. With a BA in English Literature (Kalamazoo College), an MA in English Literature (University of Virginia), and an MA in Counseling Psychology (Bowie State University), she is now most often found teaching elementary algebra and geometry at a community college and a county jail. She has worked as a program manager, a counselor, a writer, an editor, an educator, a book dealer, and a real estate investor. Having lived in Europe and the Middle East and traveled in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, she has a deep appreciation of the value of cross-cultural experience and communication. She and her husband are INS sponsors for an asylum seeker from Honduras. She plays clarinet with any band, orchestra, or chamber music ensemble that will have her, and she is currently struggling to learn to play viola.