Let's Not Make the Same Mistakes
The horrific disaster in the Philippines has rocked political boats around the world. This kind of devastation is predicted to become more frequent as the Earth's climate continues changing. Even if the Conference on Climate Change takes drastic action (which no reasonable observers expect), the train has left the station on emissions levels, and many scientists now argue that we are barreling past tipping points in climate change.
Haiti Digest: Food Aid Reform Edition
The Food Aid Reform is moving and shaking! Here at the Quixote Center we have been meeting and collaborating with other lobbyists to follow Congress’ movements as Food Aid Reform negotiations start. Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY), the senior Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, wrote an op-ed that provides some great points on food aid reform, and even specifies Haiti. Here are our two favorite points:
Will World Leaders COP-Out Again?
On Monday, November 11 the 19th “Conference of Parties” of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-19) began in Warsaw, Poland. Negotiators are working toward a draft agreement with mandatory emission targets scheduled to be signed in Paris during COP-21 in 2015.
The Return of the Nicaraguan Revolution
Yesterday we posted an article discussing 5 myths still perpetuated in the media's myopic coverage of the Nicaraguan Revolution. Here we share David Wilson's article from Truth Out from earlier this week, that raises many of the same themes, but through the lens of his personal experience as a volunteer with TecNica in 1985 and 1987.
5 Ongoing Media Myths about Nicaragua and Reagan
Over the last few weeks the revolution
Are you tired of watching CSI and wondering what it would be like to solve a real crime?? HERE IS YOUR CHANCE!
Volunteer Investigator for Maryland Innocence Claim
Are you tired of watching CSI and wondering what it would be like to solve a real crime?? HERE IS YOUR CHANCE!
Stolen Wages in Haiti
Last week the Workers Rights Consortium issued a report on garment factories in Haiti that sew for major U.S. brands. The report found:
…garment factory owners in Haiti routinely, and illegally, cheat workers of substantial portions of their pay, depriving them of any chance to free their families from lives of grueling poverty and frequent hunger.
Haiti Digest: October 21
The Worker Rights Consortium has released a new report that shows Haitian garment factory workers are routinely denied the minimum wage guaranteed by law: Scott Nova, the consortium’s executive director, said in an interview:
Haiti Digest: October 11
This week a lawsuit on behalf of victims of the reintroduction of cholera to Haiti was filed in New York against the United Nations. The source of the infections has been traced to Nepalese peacekeepers whose camp sanitation facilities were inadequate. The camp bordered a tributary of the Arbonite river, Haiti's largest, and waste from infected peacekeepers spread the disease downstream.
Quixote Center: Hewing Marxist Agendas and Forging Mayors Since 1976
[Original post, September 24, 2013, Updated September 26, 2013 - see below]
February Delegation: Community Development in Northern Nicaragua
**Update** Due to the snow storm that has crippled the Southeastern United States (especially the airports), the delegation has been postponed, new dates TBD. This is an unfortunate turn of events, and we hope to complete the trip as soon as possible. More to come.
February 16-23, 2014
Ecology of Liberation: Naomi Klein on Overcoming Overburden
Naomi Klein was the keynote speaker at the convention launching a new union coalition in Canada. In her speech, Overcoming Overburden: The Climate Crisis and a Unified Left Agenda, she laid out some compelling arguments for climate activism becoming the glue that binds social and economic justice movements into a broad coalition demanding transformation. You can read the entire speech here. A few highlights