The Catholic Tipping Point: Helmut Schüller Calls for Reform
Helmut Schüller opened a 15 city tour in New York City on Tuesday night, calling for a range of reforms in the Catholic Church and for priests to join in reform efforts side-by-side with concerned laity.
Food Aid Reform Update
Back in April of this year the Obama administration proposed significant reform to the way the United States government delivers food aid around the world. The two key components of the reform:
Amnesty Urgent Action: LGBTI Rights Activists Targetted in Haiti
Activists of Kouraj a group working for the rights of the Haitian lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people, have been receiving threats related to their work. The threats seem to be related to a march against “homosexuality in Haiti”, scheduled for 26 July.
Two Weeks in Nicaragua: FEDICAMP
On Monday morning I woke up around five to catch the earliest bus from Leon to Esteli. The ride takes approximately two hours on one of the smaller InterLocal buses, and I was fortunate enough to catch one with a mid day arrival. My bus arrived at the terminal around 12:30. I texted Miguel Marin from FEDICAMP, and he came to pick me up about fifteen minutes later in his compact pickup. In the back was Felix, one of the community organizers/trainers/agronomists working with the communities affiliated with FEDICAMP