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Daily Dispatch

January 9, 2019

Yesterday : Will he declare a “state of emergency” at the border in an effort to get the Pentagon to pay for the wall? Or will he simply use the airtime to recite false statistics and relate the most gruesome details of the ugliest crimes committed by a handful immigrants in order to sway public opinion to his side?

It was the latter.

Will networks, who were almost certainly expecting actual news, think twice before granting him airtime again? This is a trick he pulled a few times during the campaign, but the networks are slow to get wise to it.

Turns out, Trump give the speech. Nor does he want to visit the border, which he is scheduled to do later this week, calling it a photo-op that is “not going to change a damn thing, but I’m still doing it” because Bill and Sarah and Kellyanne say so.

But the speech went great anyway!

Believe it or not, we have some fact-checking brought to you by… Fox News:


Here is another of Trump’s remarks. And . And . And . And . And . And .

Related: Speaking of lies, remember when Trump said “catch and release” is over? calls ICE’s current approach as “catch and can’t-release-fast-enough,”

But the specter of an emergency declaration isn’t completely over, as Trump will meet with Senate Republicans, who are whether such a move could be “a way out of a shutdown fight they’re losing.”

Related: The Marshall Project us “What the Government Shutdown Looks Like Inside Federal Prisons.”

Related: offers an ontological meditation on the wall, which sometimes exists and sometimes doesn’t.

Finally, more reactions to the speech:


Thu, 01/10/2019 - 12:08pm

Thanks for the fox news clip. i was so outraged that i wanted to check if fox recognized the lying, but was afraid to.