
Haiti: A tale of two meetings

On Tuesday this week, in Port au Prince and in Washington D.C., people gathered to talk about the crisis in Haiti. In one meeting, demands for restitution and accountability rang out from the voices of activists gathered from around the world. In the other, a mixed message of a need for change in the U.S. position, but no mechanism or real direction for how that should happen. In one meeting, a passionate call for justice and a new social order. In the other, political posturing more attuned to partisan differences in the U.S. than the crisis in Haiti. 

The Holy Family Separated and in Cages

In seminary, we constantly talked about social location (i.e., one’s sex, gender, class, education, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.). We always talked about how when reading and interpreting scripture, one’s social location must be considered because we all bring bias, preconceived notions, experiences, baggage to the table.
