Quixote Center is an anti-racist organization. The history of racism, systematic oppression and exploitation of people of color began with the origins of this country and continues with devastating effects today among communities of color. These include pervasive anti-Blackness as a hallmark of living in the United States, and the notion that making America great includes expelling immigrants of color. We believe that efforts toward diversity, equity and inclusion are what is making our country great.
Quixote Center will not waste our time condemning every vile comment coming from the new Administration. We do think it is important to state our values and to commit ourselves to being allies to those targeted by the vile comments. We also call it like we see it: attempts to dismantle DEI programs throughout government and the private sector look like white supremacism. DEI programs, however imperfect, have been a genuine attempt to include the historically excluded.
Quixote Center's work is designed to dismantle white colonial history so that the historically oppressed and marginalized will become artisans of their own destiny. We thank you for your support.