Since its inception, the work of the Quixote Center would not have been possible without the creative mind and leadership of our late co-founder, Reverend William “Bill” Callahan.

"...In the tradition of Cervantes’ Quixote, Bill believed in “tilting at windmills” even when the world thought it foolish, reaching for stars that seem too distant to be touched. He often said that the work of justice should be done with laughter and merriment and creativity..."
(Maureen Fiedler, NCR)

"The Rev. William R. Callahan, a Roman Catholic priest and self-described “impossible dreamer” whose vociferous and organized opposition to Vatican policies prompted Jesuit officials to expel him from their order, died on Monday in Washington. He was 78..."
(New York Times)

"...Bill tried to be a prophetic voice in the church, a voice crying in the wilderness,’’ said the Rev. Thomas J. Reese, a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University..."

"A Jesuit priest who has been one of the most outspoken advocates of admitting women to the priesthood has been silenced and removed from his post here for allegedly criticizing the pope's refusal to ordain women..."
(Washington Post)